REFLECTIONS ABOUT CONSCIOUSNESS STEINERS "STATUE" WITH AHRIMAN AND LUCIFER In everyday use of language in anthroposophical circles, the terms "Ahrimanic" and "Luciferic" are often used with a negative meaning. Something one should stay away from. This is reminiscent of centuries of warnings from the church to stay on the right path and not be seduced by the devil. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) himself only gave a brief explanation of his Statue, because it would speak from itself as an art form to people who grew up in the traditions of Christian culture. (Fant, Klingborg and Wilkes, 1969). It is not difficult to recognize something of the old devils and hell in it and a striding warrior reminds of images of the archangel Michael, slaying the dragon. However, it represents the figure of Christ and does not engage in any fight against evil, in the form of Ahriman and Lucifer. Due to the inner strength of the central figure, thes...