THE OCCULT ORIGINS OF EURYTHMY The practice of the alphabet (the Letterpractice, "Buchstabierkunst") developed by J.B. Kerning (Pseudonym of J.B.Krebs) is described, practiced by the Viennese occultists in the late nineteenth century, as it was used in Freemasonry and Rosicrucian orders. A form of mantra yoga in combination with Indian Yoga practices of Vivekananda. Combined with Christian mysticism by Mailander using Böhme and Paracelsus. This letter practice became the basis for Steiner's eurythmy and was intended for the esoteric school to be developed as a mantra meditation practice. This post is being processed with new information from time to time. Any feedback is welcome. EURYTHMY, THE OCCULT ORIGINS The practice of the alphabet letters was developed by Johann Baptist Kerning, pseudonym of Johann Baptist Krebs. Krebs lived from 1774-1851, he studied Catholic theology in Konstanz and Freiburg, but then chose a musical career as an opera singer at the St...