THE PLACE OF MEDITATION IN THE WORK OF RUDOLF STEINER This article is written to further elucidate a number of different points of view in anthroposophy. Comments and contributions are welcome. The first point is the often recurring belief that Rudolf Steiner took nothing from other teachings and developed everything from his own meditative and visionary experience ("Schauen"). This one-sided conviction possibly has its origin in what Rudolf Steiner wrote himself in the preface to "Die Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss" (1910), (An Outline of Occult Science, the 1955 edition of the "Vorwort zur sechzehnten bis zwanzigsten Auflage" p 11). This work Steiner calls the only work of interest, in which the whole of anthroposophy is given. It is the fruit of visionary imagination (Geistig Schauen in Imaginationen), in which the entire history of the origin of humanity and the cosmos is captured in images. Images that cannot be seen in any outer reality, bu...