
Posts uit juni, 2024 tonen
       THE COSMIC WORLD DECIDES,       THE POWER OF WILL SHOOTING THE TARGET The form of the human body seen as created by the formative forces of the zodiac is depicted in many old manuscripts, as well as the dynamic influence from the planets on our inner organism . The top image is the original design for the first Goetheanum blue south window by Rudof Steiner. The image below is the present image in the new Goetheanum. (Build after the first Goetheanum was destroyed in the flames). Assia Turgenieff wrote in her personal memories (Dornach 1935 and later edited in 1961) these human figures, build by the power of the stars reminded her of Egyptian Hyroglyphs. It could only be compared to an old knowledge in far away civilisations, where this connetedness to a spiritual origin was diretly perceived.  In my young years coming to dornach it directly reminded me of the eastern forms of movement involving the whole body, moving the chi or life energy streaming in our movements without inte