
Posts uit februari, 2022 tonen


An international initiative by a group of musicians and therapists, end sixties- beginning seventies to develop a music therapy based on the work of Annie von Lange: her publication "Mensch, Musik und Kosmos", making use of a meditative deepening of sound experience in combination with Steiners vision of man as described in his "Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss" (Occult science) and other works on cosmology. Also based on therapeutic work with handicapped children in the Camp Hill homes. See also 23-06-2019 for a German version and 29-06-2019 for a Dutch version. Description of the work by a group of musicians, doctors, eurythmist. Translation into russian language by Elena Gorlova, musictherapist  О ЗАРОЖДЕНИИ НОВОЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНОЙ ТЕРАПИИ Херма Рискамп Вопрос "Можете ли вы придумать что-нибудь для внутренних движений жизненных процессов?" был задан доктору Герману Пфрогнеру (1911-1988), профессору музыковедения и знатоку современной двенадцатитоновой музыки. Авт...